
AngelBlade Air Plasma Cutter Shipping to SteelFAb 2015 Sharjah

  AngelBlade plasma cutter is a reliable air plasma power source, cut metal quickly and efficiently. It's also able to cut and gouge any any conductive metal.
  To prepare the project of shipping AngelBlade air plasma cutter to Sharjah for attending the SteelFAB 2015, we have been busy doing shippment things and all materials prepared.
  Mainframe, cutting torch, consumables and cutting samples are list in the cargo list and prepared in advance.

  These are the paper materials of AngelBlade air plasma cutter, user manual and flyer. They will also be shipped to be present at SteelFAB exhibition. How about these labels? Have been pasted to required places in advance.
  If you want to know more about this project or this kind of air plasma cutting system, check the link of www.abplasma.com and get more information.

